Aquascaping Oliver Knott Nano and Book

Aquascaping Oliver Knott Aquascaping Tipps von Oliver Knott Der zweifache Aquascaping Weltmeister Oliver Knott besuchte am 24. 

Februar für einen Vortrag den Megazoo in Linz und war dabei. Bei der Veranstaltung vermittelte Oliver Knott auf unterhaltsame Weise nützliche Tipps und Tricks für das Aquarium Einrichten und die Bepflanzung schöner Becken.

Aquascaping Weltmeister Oliver Knott bei der Aquarium Einrichtung.

Aquascaping - Aquarien kreativ einrichten

Aquascaping ist das Gestalten von Unterwasser-Landschaften im Aquarium, wo die optische Wirkung besonders im Mittelpunkt steht. 

Die spezielle Wirkung von Aquascapes entsteht vor allem durch die gelungene Kombination aus Steinen, Holz oder Wurzeln und verschiedenen Wasserpflanzen. 

Aquascaping ist unter anderem eine Mischung aus Kunst und handwerklichem Geschick, Aquascaping Oliver Knott  - wobei auch das Wissen um die verschiedenen Aquarium Pflanzen eine wichtige Rolle spielt.

Aquascaping Oliver Knott

Aquascaping Oliver Knott 

Praktische Tipps für Aquarianer

Die begeisterten Aquarianer konnten eine Menge praktischer Tipps mit nach Hause nehmen. Nacheinander richtete Oliver Knott einen 10 Liter Nano Cube, ein 30 Liter Nano Aquarium und ein großes Becken ein. Ein Schwerpunkt dabei waren die Pflanzen im Aquarium.

"Nur für die Psyche" hat Oliver Knott viele schöne, große Pflanzen in das Aquarium gepflanzt. Eigentlich muss man die Blätter von über Wasser gezogenen Pflanzen vollständig abschneiden. 

Nur die Wurzeln kommen in das neu eingerichtete Aquarium. Diese Blätter sind nicht an das Leben unter Wasser angepasst und würden ohnehin kümmern und schlussendlich absterben. 

Schneidet man die Blätter sofort ab, wachsen die frischen, angepassten Blätter innerhalb kurzer Zeit heraus.

"Aber das ist natürlich schon hart, wenn du dir im Zoogeschäft eine schöne Pflanze um 7 Euro kaufst und vor dem Einpflanzen sollst du dann alles über den Wurzeln abschneiden" so Oliver Knott schmunzelnd. 

Verständlich, aber dieser Tipp ist auf alle Fälle einen Versuch wert. Unter Wasser gezogene Pflanzen kannst du auch direkt mit den Blättern in das Aquarium pflanzen.

Aquascaping Oliver Knott Nano

Aquascaping mit Oliver Knott

Das von Oliver Knott eingerichtete Aquarium.

Seit kurzem sind die praktischen Aquascaping Tipps von Oliver Knott auch in Buchform bei Amazon erhältlich:

Aquascaping-Fibel: Modernes Aquariendesign leicht gemacht

Das Buch ist reich an Einrichtungsbeispielen und Tipps für unterschiedliche Schwierigkeitsstufen. 

Die kreative Aquarium Einrichtung nach Oliver Knott funktioniert bei Nano-Becken mit 10 Litern genauso wie bei großen Aquarien mit mehr als 500 Litern. Die schönen Fotos sind eine tolle Inspirationsquelle für jeden, der ein Aquarium einrichten möchte.

Jetzt bei Amazon kaufen

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Aquascaping Oliver Knott

Aquascaping Oliver Knott Inspirations

An underwater scenery with beautiful plants and some shrimps, small neons or snails are already familiar to some and captivate a growing number of others.

The combination of “Aquascaping“ and our „STENDKER Discus Fish“ is, in our opinion, the “crowning glory of sweet water fish keeping“. 

A certain amount of knowledge is, however, required to create a good balance between plant growth and healthy living conditions for our discus fish.

In their original habitat (the Amazon area) discus fish live in an environment consisting mainly of sand and roots.

Our discus fish are attention stoppers in any underwater scenery and one need not look for them specifically in the fish tank as they immediately fascinate the onlooker due to their size, colour and beautiful shape and by their interest in their surroundings.

“This is exactly as it is in the sea“ we heard someone say. These artificially created underwater worlds provide entertainment and relaxation of a very special kind. The enjoyment of a “miniature underwater garden“ in one’s living room.

We are pleased to have been able to delight Mr Adrie Baumann (LIVE Aquascaping world cup holder 2013) also privately with our wonderful discus fish and should like to express our sincere thanks for his comprehensive recommendations regarding “plants and companion fish for the discus fish tank“ and our excellent collaboration.

Information of interest on the subject of “Aquascaping“ can be found also at:
Aquascaping Adrie Baumann

Oliver Knott - Balance of Nature

The above-mentioned persons/companies are available for you if you wish to have your fish tank set up professionally.

We wish you lots of amusement with the following tips for aquascaping.

Your STENDKER Discus Breeding Team

Here are the most beautiful discus display pools of our customers: Retailer display pools

Historie von einem Aquascaping von Oliver KNOTT mit unseren STENDKER-Diskusfischen:

Ein wirklich wunderschönes Aquascape! In diesem 4000 l Aquarium könnte man gerne noch mehr Diskusfische zusetzen und unseren Tieren ein schönes zu Hause schenken!

Empfohlene Gruppengröße besteht, unserer Meinung nach, aus mindestens 10-12 Diskusfischen (Cichlid).

Aquascaping by Oliver Knott

Aquascaping by Oliver Lindemann mit unseren STENDKER-Diskusfischen
Diskustage 2014 bei Zoo Zajac in Duisburg.
Aquascaping mit unseren STENDKER-Diskusfischen by Oliver Lindemann. 

Oliver Knott at The Green Machine
  1. Posted in
  2. Journals, Aquatics
  3. Tagged
  4. Aquascaping, Video

“Autumn in Isle of Man” by Oliver KnottTo celebrate TGM’s UK distribution of the Tropica Aquacare range, we hosted a free aquascaping demonstration on Sunday 13th September 2009 by the renowned German artist Oliver Knott.

An aquascape created by Oliver Knott at The Green Machine in Wrexham, UK - photograph

Aquascaping Oliver Knott - For this photograph a white background was suspended behind the tank and back lighting was used. The diffuser material works with stunning effect here.

As always the event was a great success, the atmosphere was unique with the perfect mix of excitement, enthusiasm and good humour throughout the day

The video has been split into 4 parts and is available via our YouTube channel. At just over 30 minutes long is a condensed version of the day. 

The actual demonstration lasted about 6 hours, so this is no real substitute for the experience of being there on the day, but it should prove useful and interesting for many aquascaping hobbyists and professionals.

Aquascaping Oliver Knott  - Setup Specifications

  • Aquarium – 120cm x 60 x 45cm high TGM all Opti-white glass aquarium.
  • Accessories – TGM Light Diffusing Aquarium Backing
  • Filtration & Heating – Eheim Thermo filter 2128 (with built in heater) with filter wool and Sera Siporax.
  • CO2 – TGM CO2 kit with Do! Aqua Music Glass diffuser @ 3 bubbles per second.
  • Lighting – Arcadia Series 4 x 2 150W HQI metal halides and 2 x T5 39W tubes.
  • Substrate – ADA Nile Sand, ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia, Tropica Plant Substrate sandwiched between 2 layers of Aqua Soil.
  • Decor / hardscape – Petrified Wood   
  • Fertiliser – 17ml of ADA Brighty K daily. (At the moment – week 3).
    Plants –
  1. Eleocharis parvula
  2. Riccia fluitans
  3. Hemianthus calitrichoides ‘Cuba’
  4. Proserpinaca Paulustris
  5. Utricularia graminifolia

Any saltwater aquarists who’s been keeping fish or corals for some time knows that the freshwater aquarists have us trumped when it comes to making beautiful displays of aquarium nature.

 Most of this exposure to freshwater planted aquariums will be of the “Nature Aquarium” school of freshwater plants first started by the godfather of it all, Takashi Amano, but there is a whole lot more creativity and style being applied to the the art, particularly by pro aquascaper Oliver Knott.

Mr. Knott’s freshwater exploits first crossed over to the pages of Reef Builders with his “Hallelujah Mountains” display of floating hardscapes and flatscreen TV background but that was a mere sample of his green thumb. 

We literally lost count of how many setups Oliver Knott was responsible for at InterZoo 2012 but this compilation video shows the many ways that Oliver Knott is pushing the envelope of aquarium aquascaping, you owe it to yourself to check out this five minute video of awesome aquariology.

The aquarium in the video above is an aquascape created by Oliver Knott which was inspired by the blockbuster movie Avatar. 

This aquascape was modeled after a setting of the movie called the Hallelujah Mountains, which float in mid-air, covered by lush jungles and connected to each other and the ground by vines. 

Oliver Knott is a highly regarded freshwater plant aquarist from Germany who has some serious skill, and we can just imagine that he set himself to design this particular aquascape the moment he saw the breathtaking scenes of the Hallelujah Mountains during the movie.

The tank containing Knott’s nature aquarium remix of Hallelujah Mountains is 250 liters, so about 60 gallons and it features a flat-screen television-background for sunrise, sunset and passing cloud simulation. 

Also consider that this tank was set up on the spot, for the “The Art of Planted Aquarium” 2011 competition in Hannover Germany. Aquascaping Oliver Knott - On a similar note, Knott also set up a smaller nano planted aquascape with a color changing RGB LED background, video after the break.