Aquascape Designs inc Online Store

Aquascape Designs inc enjoy the tunning beauty of your own personal water garden fountains and pond kits.

Imagine stepping outside your home into your very own backyard oasis, complete with a beautiful water garden. 

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing sights and sounds of running water. Feel the cares of the world slip away as you enjoy your personal backyard pond!

An Aquascape ecosystem pond is self-sustaining, requires very little maintenance, and provides an opportunity to have fish as pets, without the regular upkeep of an indoor aquarium. 

Pond plants give you the chance to broaden your gardening horizons with choices that go beyond the standard petunia and rose. Bird lovers will delight in the new variety of feathered friends that flock to a water feature.

Aquascape Designs inc

Aquascape Designs inc

Spend quality time relaxing by your water garden with family and friends. You’ll wonder why you waited so long to enhance your yard with a beautiful Aquascape ecosystem pond!

small pond and water garden kit
medium water garden and pond kit
large water garden and pond kit
water garden and koi pond kit
The Composition Of An Ecosystem Pond
Ecosytem Pond - How it Works

Ecosystem ponds work with Mother Nature to provide food, shelter, and safety to the wildlife around it. It also provides an all-natural, low-maintenance piece of paradise. 

Every piece of the ecosystem puzzle must be present in order for a true ecosystem to be in place. Eliminate one of these elements and you’ve got an unbalanced ecosystem.

Aquascape Designs inc

Aquascape Designs inc - Check out the things you’ll need to get your ecosystem pond in perfect balance:

Skimmer (mechanical filter): will not only pre-filter the water and house the pump; it will also skim debris from the water’s surface to prevent the accumulation of organic materials on the pond floor.

BioFalls® (biological filter): Provide surface area for beneficial bacteria to colonize and remove excess nutrients from the water.

Pumps: an efficient circulation system will keep the water moving and provide the necessary oxygen levels for healthy fish and plants.

Rocks and gravel: provide tremendous surface area for beneficial bacteria to break down excess nutrients in the water and dissolved organic debris on the pond floor. 

here we go on how to describe a nice pool design your desires and aquascape designs inc, pumps, and aquascape waterfall.

aquascape online store

Water Gardens: Your Paradise, Our Passion

There’s nothing quite like the serenity provided by water gardens. Imagine stepping outside your home into your very own backyard pond oasis. 

Sit back and listen to the soothing sounds of a running water feature as you enjoy the enchanting sights of nature. 

Feel the cares of today’s busy world slip from your shoulders as you relax and de-stress in your very own backyard pond paradise!

Aquascape ecosystem ponds and water features become the highlight of your outdoor living space. 

Add a touch of water to your patio with a simple Patio Pond or Fire Fountain. it is the best way that everyone has done in making aquascape designs inc.

Incorporate a Pondless® Waterfall or an ecosystem pond into your landscape to add aesthetic appeal to your property while providing a stunning backdrop for outdoor entertaining. 

You’ll enjoy gathering friends and family near your beautiful water feature and witness the delight of children as they explore nature, up close and personal. 

aquascape pond kits

Patio Ponds: Water Features For Any Setting

Aquascape pond kits
Enjoy a beautiful water garden in a matter of minutes with easy to install patio ponds. Aquascape designs inc next, create a beautifully planted water bowl with a variety of aquatic plants.

Include underwater lighting and a couple of small fish like “rosy reds” for added interest and color.

A small bamboo fountain provides the soothing sounds of running water to enjoy with your mini water garden. Available in a variety of sizes and colors, you can place your Patio Pond almost anywhere – outdoors or in!

Aquascape Designs inc

Aquascape Designs inc - Enjoy The Beauty and Soothing Sounds of a Pondless Waterfall

Aquascape pumps
A Pondless Waterfall is, without a doubt, the most beautiful and sought-after landscape water feature. 

If space is limited in your yard, consider adding an Aquascape Pondless® Waterfall to enjoy the soothing sounds of running water.

A waterfall can be soft and serene in the form of a babbling brook, or it can be more dramatic with a longer drop. 

Available in a variety of sizes and configurations, the Pondless Waterfall is a great option for both small and large outdoor spaces.

Waterfalls are extremely low maintenance, energy efficient, and attract a variety of wildlife. 

Children love exploring nature in and around the waterfall. Whether you add a waterfall to your front or backyard, be sure to locate it near a window so the melodious sounds can be enjoyed from inside your home, too! 

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